Friday, April 19, 2013

April 14, 2013 - Classic White Layer Cake with Butter Frosting and Raspberry-Almond Filling

Did I happen to mention the 14th of April was a busy day of baking?  While at my grandparents one of my great aunts was mentioning she was has been looking for a good white cake recipe, but nothing she had tried came out right.  I blabbed quick that I had one that I could send her.  Of course, I had never made it, I had just glanced at it in the book and thought it looked awesome.  So after my grandparents it was off to my parents for dinner where I quickly realized I better make this thing before I go sending a recipe I had never tried myself (although, coming from this book, I was about 99.9% sure it would be great, I just used it as another excuse to bake something).

I had baked some cakes in my life, but never something quite like this.  With a raspberry filling and a great almond flavor, it was unlike anything I had tried (baking wise and eating wise) before.  The cake was light and full of great almond flavor, and the raspberry added a great flavor to the whole experience.

I really like to bake cakes.  They are pretty quick, fun to assemble, and who doesn't love a slopping huge piece of cake for dessert?  Needless to say I sent the recipe to my great aunt, and I hope she has the success with it that I had. 
My poor family, by this point they now had a cake, chocolate cream pie, and some biscotti to eat.  I figured I'd take a day or two off and let them catch up.

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