Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 19, 2013 - Challah

I really have no idea why I decided to make this bread.  This past Friday was probably the first one in a month that I didn't have somewhere to be or something going on, so I felt like baking.  For some reason, I settled on Challah.

What I have found about most of the Yeast Bread & Rolls recipes is that they follow a similar pattern: Mix/knead the dough, let it rise, punch it down, let it rise again, form and bake.  This one was no exception to that patter. 
First step, mix up the dough...

Then, it was time to let it rise....

After rising, it was time to form the bread....
This bread was interesting to form.  Basically it consisted first of dividing the dough into 2 unequal parts (one about double the size of the other).  Then, take the larger portion, divide into three "logs", and braid the logs together.  Then, repeat with the smaller portion of dough and set that braid on top of the larger braid.  Can't say I ever braided dough before!  Then, after the dough set for a bit and puffed up I brushed it with the egg wash and sprinkled with sesame seeds.  Into the oven it went.
I haven't called many of my creations beautiful, but this was one of the first things that I've made that came out of the oven and I was extremely proud of how it looked.  It was an awesome golden brown color, the braids had melded together perfectly, and the sesame seeds added a great topping.  The bread itself was great.  It was moist and the perfect amount of chewy without being heavy or overly dense.  Perfect with a little butter and honey on top!

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