Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 9, 2013 - Cream Biscuits

So here we were again, parents coming over for dinner and I wanted to make a bread but didn't have a lot of time (sounds like deja vu from my last biscuit start, huh?).  This time, though, I decided to try out the Cream Biscuit recipe.

This dough mixed up very quickly (only 5 ingredients) so the dough was formed in no time.  I decided to go with the wedge shape, so I moulded the dough using a cake pan to get it in a circle first, then cut it with a bench scraper.  Then, the biscuits went in the oven.

These biscuits turned out perfect.  They had a perfect flaky center, and went awesome with some raspberry jam on top (which is my favorite way to eat a biscuit!).  This may very well be my go to recipe when in need of a quick bread or biscuit.

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