Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 4, 2013 - Flourless Chocolate Cake

I had a hankering for something chocolately, and I was in the mood to make a cake.  I flipped through the book and found the recipe for Flourless Chocolate Cake.  Even though it was a cake that required sitting in the fridge overnight, I decided to make it anyways.

The amazing thing about this recipe was the small number of ingredients it required, literally eggs, butter, and a lot of chocolate!  However, even with the few ingredients required, it was a somewhat intense process of beating the heck out of the eggs, melting the chocolate and butter together, and then folding the two components together in sort of layers.

Then, the cake is baked in a foil wrapped spring form pan in a water bath.  Once the cake cooked(very similar to a cheesecake in process from this point on), it then cooled to room temperature and then went wrapped into the fridge overnight.  The next day, once I was ready to have a taste, I took the sides of the pan off and put the cake on a serving platter, cut a slice, and dusted with confectioners' sugar.

This cake was fantastic.  Although I do agree with the book, in the sense that they say that calling this a cake is really a stretch.  It was dense, moist, fudgy, and completely loaded with a great flavor of chocolate.  This recipe was definitely a winner, and the next time I make it (because I can assure you it will happen again), I would like to try it with either a coffee or nut flavor liqueur to try something different.  But for now, this was perfect on it's own.

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