Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May 30, 2013 - Cranberry-Orange Scones

So two days after my first scone success I was ready to tackle another variation.  I just so happened to have orange flavored dried cranberries (I know, random thing to have in your pantry), but they were perfect for the Cranberry-Orange Scones variation of Cream Scones.

Since the process was almost identical for these, I won't take too much time on this post (as I am still getting caught up!).  The only thing I will say is that the dough this time around was much easier to work with, mostly because I wasn't so concerned with smashing the blueberries during the kneading and mixing process.

Once again, the scones were a success.  Same flaky, buiscuity texture and density, but the orange flavored cranberries really added a great flavor.  I will definitely be looking forward to trying the remaining four variations of this recipe!

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