Monday, May 27, 2013

May 15, 2013 - Golden Northern Cornbread

So it's been a while since I've had a chance to sit down and get caught up on this thing!  A couple of weddings, busy weeks at work and various other things...crazy month.  But here we are an I need to get caught up on a couple of things.  First up:  Golden Northern Cornbread.

So let me just start out with the fact that this recipe was awesome in the sense that it was incredibly quick to make...literally about 10 minutes to mix up and get in the oven.  This was perfect because I distinctly remember this even I was having BBQ for dinner and I thought this would be a great compliment to that.

I am going to make this post short due to needing to get caught up, but needless to say it was literally mix some dry ingredients together, add the wet ones and get it in the oven.  The bread itself was great.  Not overly dense, but not too cakey, moist and great corn flavor.  Definitely a great go to recipe for a quick "bread" to go with a meal!

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