Monday, May 27, 2013

May 17, 2013 - Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

I felt like making something out of the cookie recipe that day so I went with the Oatmeal Cookies, but I also felt like some chocolate chips (and so did the other members of my family), so I went with that variation.

These cookies were awesome.  I personally love oatmeal cookies of any variety (and lucky for me this book has a few different variation recipes) so this recipe was great for me.  Again, in the spirit of getting caught up I will keep this post pretty short.  The cookies were pretty quick and easy to mix up and get in the oven, but the end result was great.  The recipe made a pretty big cookie, but they were thick and chewy, with a great flavor.  Definitely looking forward to trying the other varieties.


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