Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013 - Gingerbread

Today I went back through the "Quick Breads, Muffins, Biscuits, and Scones" chapter to see what I could whip up.  I zeroed in on Gingerbread.  I know I know, gingerbread is typically a more fall / holiday thing to eat, but it sounded really good and I personally love gingerbread so I decided to make it anyways.  Not to mention, I have a lot of recipes to get through so I can't really afford to be picky about the appropriate time of year to make any specific item!

I actually finding that as I go through this book so far, that a lot of the recipes are not as complicated as I thought they might be.  Now, I'm sure once I get to the more intricate breads and pastries I'll take back that statement, but for now most of the ones I have made (including this one) have been pretty straight forward.  The batter for this bread mixed up very nice and quick, and before I knew it the bread was in the oven.  The only modification I had to made was that I didn't have any allspice handy, so I just heavied up on the other spices a bit (no biggie).
Let me just say, of all of the things I have made so far, the smell of this baking and once it came out were just incredible.  Like I said, I am a sucker for gingerbread, and the smell of all of those spices together is just incredible to me.  This one really turned out great.  It had that amazing mix of spice taste combined with a perfectly moist texture.  This will definitely be something to add to the "make again soon" list.
Amazingly, as I looked through my book today and at all of the recipes I have made so far (I think I'm at 19), I realized there are still 3 chapters that I have made absolutely nothing from:  "Pastry", "Pizza, Focaccia, and Flatbread", and "Crisps, Cobblers, and Other Fruit Desserts".  I may have to branch out soon and try something from each of these chapters to expand my horizons a bit.  But until then, I am pretty dang happy with this gingerbread!

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