Saturday, July 20, 2013

June 13, 2013 - Thick and Chewy Gingerbread Cookies

Let me just start this post out with a couple of things...
1. I was much more sporadic with my baking in the last month or so.  Things this summer have been busy, and there just wasn't much time for it (or keeping this blog updated for that matter).  I'm back though so its all good!
2. This recipe annoyed me.

I remember this was one of those nights that I didn't really have any specific reason for baking but just felt like making something.  So I looked for something to make and settled on this.  And let me just say it was a frustrating experience!

The recipe started out fine.  I mixed up the ingredients and before I knew it I was rolling out the dough and getting ready to cut it.  Everything looked great, and then into the oven they went.

After they came out of the oven is about the time I got frustrated.  This was one of those cases where I followed the recipe exactly (like I always do), the dough looked great, it rolled out great, and cut great.  Then why, I asked, did these cookies come out as FLAT as a flippin pancake!?  Oh sure the flavor was awesome, and they were nice and chewy, but they sure weren't "Thick".  I was so mad.  I realize from time to time there are definitely going to be failures in my baking journey, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

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