Saturday, July 20, 2013

June 22, 2013 - Whole-Wheat Bread with Wheat Germ and Rye

After my first successful stint with a yeast based bread (the awesome Cinnamon Swirl), I was excited to try another one.  I was out grocery shopping, and since I had settled on trying the Whole Wheat bread recipe, I needed to pick up a couple of things (since I didn't have any wheat germ or rye flour lying around the pantry...what kind of baker am I?!).  Unfortunately (and I am kicking myself), I do not have a finished product pic to share for this one, that part of the process just kind of got away from me on this one....and no, its not because it didn't look nice because it did!

I have come to find that of all of the things I have been making, I really enjoy the bread making process.  I used the standing mixer variation (I'll try the hand made version some other time and make sure I get a finished product pic that time) and the dough kneaded no problem, after that it was time to knead a little by hand before letting it rise.  I was a little surprised that this bread only needed an hour of rising time, but boy did that dough balloon up!

This recipe actually made two loaves, so the dough was divided, put in the pans, and then rose a little more.  The bread baked and turned out excellent, being dense but not overly heavy and had a great whole wheat flavor.  Like I said before, I'm really getting into this bread making process!

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