Saturday, July 20, 2013

June 26, 2013 - Buttermilk Biscuits

This recipe was a case of the recipe turning out fine, but my oven screwing it up!  My parents were coming over for dinner so I thought it would be a nice to make a bread to go along with the meal.  Since I didn't have time to make a full loaf of anything, I decided to go for the Buttermilk Biscuits.

This recipe was fairly easy, and in a bind for a bread is a great solution for something quick.  After whisking together the dry ingredients the wet ingredients were added and mixed together.  The dough was divided, formed into balls and then baked.

The problem with the end result probably won't be apparent by any of the pictures here.  Oh sure the tops were nice and golden, then insides were nice and flaky, but the bottoms of most of them were burnt.  I know what some of you might say/think, well you probably had the pan too low in the oven.  I thought the same thing at first actually but that would not explain why some of them were perfectly fine while others were dark dark brown, borderline black.  At the end of the day, we salvaged the good ones (which was enough for the three of us anyways), and enjoyed them thoroughly. 

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