Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013 - Yellow Layer Cake with Rich Coffee Buttercream Frosting

So today being Mother's Day I thought it only fitting that I bake my mom a cake.  She's a fan of yellow cakes, so I went to that recipe and gathered my necessary ingredients.  The book offers three different frosting recipes to go with their yellow cake, so I went for the Rich Coffee Buttercream, mostly because it sounded awesome to me.

The cake itself was actually pretty quick to mix up and bake.  Within about 15 minutes I had the batter in the pans and the pans in the oven.  20 minutes of baking and then 10 minutes of cooling and the cakes were cooling on their wire racks.  Perfect time to go for a quick run!

After I got back from my run I was surprised to see that the cakes were already pretty much cooled.  I looked at the frosting recipe and started cooking away.  Amazingly, I found the frosting recipe more intense to make than the cake itself.  However, let me just say, this might be one of, if not the most amazing tasting frosting in the world.  So rich and buttery, and that coffee flavor gives it an unreal taste.  Seriously, I could eat it with a spoon. 

I assembled the cake and frosted the layers.  I will say this, I didn't take the time to level the cake layers, and I also didn't take the time to completely smooth out the frosting.  It was getting late and we all just really wanted to dig in I think!  Slices were cut and the results were incredible.  The cake itself was light, and buttery and moist.  Add on that amazing coffee buttercream and the overall result was so so good.  I will definitely look forward to trying the other frosting variations on this awesome cake!

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