Monday, May 27, 2013

May 16, 2013 - Cinnamon Swirl Bread

So it was time.  I wanted to try my first official yeast bread recipe.  I wanted to start pretty basic, so I figured the Cinnamon Swirl Bread would be a good place to start....and it sure was.

So this dough mixed up pretty quickly, and I used my mixer to kneed it (I'll get more crazy with the "Kneed by Hand" variation some other time).  Once the dough was done, it was time for the wait and rise part...I can handle that...pretty easy step in the process.

Once the dough was done rising, punched down, and rose again, it was time to shape the bread.  After rolling it out the dough was brushed with milk and sprinkled with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.  Then, the dough was rolled up and formed into a loaf.

Once the loaf was formed, the dough rose once again, and then into the oven it went.  The smell of it baking was incredible, but the tast of it finished was even better.  I could not have tried for a better result at my first loaf of yeast based bread.  The bread was firm, yet light and flavorful in on the inside.  My mom tried it and basically said that this was her favorite thing I had made so far in this process.  A definite winner of a recipe and something that I would totally make again!

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