Monday, May 27, 2013

May 19, 2013 - Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

Ok, so here is my last post to get caught up.  My parents anniversary was coming up, so of course I had to bake them a cake.  I went with carrot cake, because I knew for a fact it would be something they would both enjoy.

I can't lie, this cake was rediculously awesome.  First step: shred a bunch of carrots.  After mixing the dry ingredients and wet ingredients separate, everything was mixed together along with the carrots and the batter was done.  The nice thing about their recipe for this cake is that they make it as a sheet cake so there would be no "cake layering" process involved.

After baking it was time to cool and mix up the icing.  After frosting the cake of course I had to add some cheesy writing in orange icing to make it even better!

Everyone loved this cake, including my parents.  It was perfectly moist and the flavor was great.  The frosting had the perfect mix of sweet and cream cheese without being overly cheesy (like my orange writing, haha).  Although delicious even the day I made it, we all agreed this was one of those cakes that got even better the next day.  Looking forward to the ginger-orange variation!

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