Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May 22, 2013 - Banana Bread

Here we go playing catch up again.  I have quite a few recipes to get caught up on tonight, but I am going to stay consistent with putting them in the order they were made.  I promise, from now on I will try to do better staying caught up with myself.  But for now, up first is Banana Bread.

This was one of those situations where I literally had 3 or 4 really really ripe bananas that needed to be either used for something or tossed pretty soon.  So of course I thought, I'm sure I can come up with something to bake.  Obviously that something was banana bread.  This recipe came from the quick breads chapter and it was pretty much just that....quick.  Not only was this the very first recipe in the book, but it was a quick batter to mix up.  I added the walnuts (because I personally like walnuts in banana bread), and mixed the other ingredients together and into the oven it went.

As would be expected, the bread turned out great.  It was the perfect density without being overly heavy, and had a great banana flavor with those walnuts just giving it the perfect slight nutty flavor.  Definitely a great recipe if you want to whip up a sweet bread quick. 

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