Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May 28, 2013 - Lemon-Blueberry Scones

I had a pretty long baking break for a week (second wedding of the summer, and this one required some traveling), but when I was flipping through the book I came across the recipe and various variations for Cream Scones.  After looking at the process, I looked in the freezer and noticed I had some frozen blueberries handy, so I decided to make the Lemon-Blueberry Scones.

I had never made anything even remotely close to a scone, so this was a totally new experience for me.  I mixed the dough up relatively quickly, and then came the forming process.

I actually ended up using a spring form pan with a removable bottom.  After pressing the dough into the bottom of the pan, I removed the sides and there was a perfect circle of dough.

Then I used a bench scraper to slice the dough into 8 wedges.  After that, it was baking time.

After the scones cooled it was time to try one.  Wow.  I can also honestly say I could probably count on one hand the number of times I had even eaten a scone, but I can tell you now I will be eating them more often!  Basically, they reminded me of a flaky, sweeter biscuit with added components in the lemon zest and blueberry.  These were a hit with the family, and as you will see in a minute it wasn't long before I made another variation.

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