Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 10, 2013 - Yellow Layer Cake with Rich Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

After a weekend of camping (yes the pup went along and had a great time), I was ready to bake something, and once again I really felt like making a cake.  However, I didn't really want to try a new cake recipe, so I decided I could satisfy my urge by making the Yellow Layer Cake again, but just use a different icing, and this would still check a recipe off the list.  I went for Rich Vanilla Buttercream Frosting, and even went as far as to get a little fancier with the decorating.

The cake itself turned out great once again, and while it was cooling I started work on the buttercream.  I had made the Rich Coffee Buttercream the first time I made this cake, and the Vanilla variety was very similar, just substituting vanilla extract for the instant espresso.

The result was an extremely buttery, and smooth frosting.  However, when the cake was done and frosted, I felt like I should try and branch out a bit with my decorating.  Lucky for me the book has a couple pages on types of decorating to do, so I settled on the alternate cocoa powder and confectioners' sugar circles.

Once the icing had set in the fridge for a while, I got about six jar lids of varying sizes and arranged them on top.  Then, dusted with the cocoa powder.  The lids were rearranged and I dusted with the sugar.  The end result, I thought, was really cool looking, and definitely added an extra level of coolness to the cake.
But of course, to the part that matters most...the taste.  It was great once again.  The cake was as good as the first time, and the vanilla buttercream literally melted on the tongue.  Add in a hint of the cocoa and sugar from the top, and this cake was definitely a winner with the family!

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