Friday, April 19, 2013

April 18, 2013 - Quick Cinnamon Buns with Buttermilk Icing

So I took a few days off, let everyone get caught up on the other baked goods, then went in for my next go round.  I decided to go with something out of the "Quick Breads, Muffins, Biscuits, and Scones" chapter, and Quick Cinnamon Buns caught my eye.  The recipe looked pretty basic, and since I had little to no experience with any of the mentioned items in this chapter, it looked like something good to start with.

I had a bit of a revelation while making this recipe.  I got my dough all mixed up and spread out...

Put my pre-mixed filling on top....

And started to roll it into a nice and neat log.  Let's just say I wanted to throw the thing across the room by the time I was done with that process.  The dough kept tearing, my hands were sticking, and I seriously didn't want to look at the stupid thing anymore.  Luckily my sister was there and helped talk me down a bit.  Then she helped me realize something else.

Imagine working in a test kitchen.  Imagine being one of the cooks who worked to develop Baking Illustrated.  Imagine how many times they had to screw up and tear their dough to develop the best possible recipe.  All right, all torn dough wasn't such a big deal anymore (which, I might add, I realized I probably should have just put more flour on my working surface than I did and that problem would have never happened).  So i sucked it up, finished rolling and cutting and got them in the oven.

These were a huge hit with everyone.  My brother in law went on to mention that if I made these every day that would be fine with him.  So lesson learned:  If I screw up once or twice, remember how many times the authors of this book screwed up in the process of developing it (I mean come on, they even write about their screw ups before every recipe!).

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