Monday, April 22, 2013

April 21, 2013 - Almond Macaroons

Well while the Pound Cake was in the oven I was feeling a little ambitious so I started paging through the book to see what else I could whip up quick.  Amazingly enough, I found a recipe with only four ingredients - and i just so happened to have all four.  So I started mixing up some Almond Macaroons.

These really are an awesome tasting little cookie, and again what is so awesome is you get such a great flavor and texture with so little going into it.  I mixed up the batter and rolled them out onto the cookie tray, and just as the Pound Cake was coming out of the oven, these went in.

The smell alone of these was awesome, let alone the great almond flavor.  Crispy on the outside, and still chewy in the middle, they were perfect.  I didn't have quite enough almonds to make a whole batch, but recipe was easy to cut into 1/3's so I made 2/3's of the batter, and it came out great.  I am definitely looking forward to trying the other variations of this recipe.

Speaking of the recipe variations, I realized something today.  I've decided to go back on my statement in a previous post...where I said I was only going to bake the base recipes - I am now going to bake every recipe in the book, including all variations.  Ambitious? Yes.  Am I up for it?  Absolutely!

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